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Lunar Diplomacy

Lunar Diplomacy

Availability: In stock



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Quick Overview
  • Time: 3 hours


    Quests: The Fremennik Trials, Lost City, Rune Mysteries, Shilo Village

    Skills: Level 61 Crafting, Level 40 Defence, Level 49 Firemaking, Level 5 Herblore, Level 65 Magic, Level 60 Mining, Level 55 Woodcutting


    5,000 Magic experience

    5,000 Runecraft experience

    A seal of passage

    Access to Lunar Isle and Lunar equipment.

    Access to the Lunar spellbook.

    Access to the Astral altar.

    50 Astral runes

    Quest points gained upon completion: 2


Lunar Diplomacy is a quest focusing on the feud between the mainland Fremennik and the Moon Clan. Completion grants access to Lunar Isle, and a new spellbook.

Can you make it to Moonclan Island and make peace between the Moonclan and the Fremenniks?


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